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BruCumulative 5 *
This plots the cumulative of price for any symbol, from several optional starting points. Default symbol $TICK gives the CTick plot, but you can use $TIKRL or any other symbol.
  • Chart
  • Day
  • Week
  • Month
  • Year

The price used is Typical (H+L+C) / 3.

Showing Up/Down colors is optional.

Rev 1.0: 10/24/2015

Category ThinkOrSwim 
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Details: BruCumulative
Category: ThinkOrSwim 

October 24th, 2015
Size: 1.73 KB
Downloaded: 415 times

Keywords: dalebru thinkorswim tick tos ctick cum
K_DirecVolumeOsc_v1 for ToS 5 *
Here's a simple Directional Volume Oscillator that is based on feedback I received on latest K_betterVolume study posted here

the idea is to separate the Directional Volume in a simpler oscillator-type plot (+100%/-100%) for better tracking of net volume as it moves between buying and selling modes.

see the screencap for how this is sometimes easier to follow than the full BetterVolume study, especially when you're watching the ET market hours (will usually have very little volume than normal hours).. BetterVolume still provides much more insight and label values. the core calc is the same.

i'll post some remarks on different settings and study/usage observations on same thread here, and also be happy to receive feedback.


Category The Elite Circle 
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Details: K_DirecVolumeOsc_v1 for ToS
Category: The Elite Circle 

October 19th, 2013
Size: 2.18 KB
Downloaded: 931 times

Keywords: directional redk thinkorswim tos volume dvo
K_BetterVolume for ToS 5 *
Update 20 Oct 2013: a variation of this study that tracks only the net avg volume ratio has been posted here
thx, K

Posted some examples on how to use in reading charts and action

Here's an interesting view of volume that I've been watching for a while. Added to the K_BetterVolume indicator I posted here a while back.
Instead of watching the classic volume bar by bar plot, I started watching the average buy vs sell for a period, which I found much more insightful. A stronger/more sustained price move is usually associated with a net volume avg forming in the same direction, also moves with no strong volume supporting them will possibly be short-lived- this simple way to view volume is especially useful when there's no easy way to track volume at bid/ask level, or if you don't want to go that deep...

Changes in this version:
  • A simple way to track Buy vs Sell volume for a given length of bars, "Directional Volume, or Volume Pressure or VXNet", which is the net of ratio of buy vs sell avg volume (WMA) to the overall volume average. inspired by a similar concept in one of Elder's study
  • added a volume buzz label calculation (the closest I could get to a VolBuzz calc in ToS, impossible to do in custom WatchLists or scans). By Changing the chart aggregation, I can check the VolBuzz (basically current bar's volume vs longer average volume of same time interval)
  • VXNet can be displayed on top of the "classic" volume plot, or separately .. changing plot settings enables to view it as a histogram, or just a simple green/red cloud.. see screencap for examples of how this study can be set
  • VXNet is zero-lag smoothed, however keep smoothing as small as possible (3 to 5) not to lose traction to actual volume trend change
  • informative labels, can be turned on or off - Dynamic coloring

Changes in V3 - May, 2013

Changed the Algo that calculates Sell / Buy volume to the same one developed by Barry Taylor at EminiWatch for TradeStation, and mentioned in our VSA for thinkorswim thread here

this algo does test well and provides a better signal (sometimes up to 3 bar improvment) than taking the whole volume bar as a buy or sell volume based on the close vs open technique in prior version..

The Dynamics coloring of the info labels still there, provides visual clue for major volume spikes that deserve attention

code is commented.. TOS Study setup "baloon mini-guide" also included.


Category The Elite Circle 
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Details: K_BetterVolume for ToS
Category: The Elite Circle 

May 16th, 2013
Size: 3.57 KB
Downloaded: 1118 times

Keywords: bettervolume redk thinkorswim tos volume
K_WAve_v1 for ToS 5 *
This is my new "magnifier" Zero-Lag Weighted AVErage (K_WAve). the idea I was looking for is to create a moving average that magnifies the price moves and trend direction changes - with as minimum lag as possible.

the concept is mathematically simple, and is based on the same Zero-lag MA technique used in DEMA & TEMA. The values of the line should not be referred to - they mean very little, it's the color and relative position of the peaks/troughs that really matter. Also the intersection points with other MA's on the chart.

Interesting that the K_WAve will indicate trend change sometimes before the Zero-lag WMA. the base WMA and the Zero-lag WMA are exposed by default (can hide them from Study Settings)

  • K_WAve can be used for swing trading or integrated with trend-following techniques with entry on retraces - the retraces (hooks) can be made more obvious using the K_WAve line.
  • this works on time or tick charts and any aggregation.
  • added optional smoothing and adjustable "magnification factor". when set to Smoothing = 1, and Magnify = 0, K_WAve becomes a regular zero-lag WMA.
  • Up/Down colors adjustable from study settings.

Feedback welcome.

Category The Elite Circle 
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Details: K_WAve_v1 for ToS
Category: The Elite Circle 

March 22nd, 2013
Size: 692 bytes
Downloaded: 529 times

Keywords: tos trend wma zero-lag k_wave
K_SVAPO_v1 for ToS 5 *
Got my hands on ToS again, and we're back in business.. - here's a come-back gift...

This is my own ToS port of SVAPO (Short-Term Volume and Price Oscillator), a trading system introduced by Sylvain Vervoort that combines both volume and price trends to identify tradable setups - full details on the concept, and trade rules that he suggests are here

took the concept and re-wrote it for ToS, using my own preferred techniques for smoothing and averaging - to achieve less lag and make the final plot more "friendly and usable" - while maintaining the overall original concept. (let me know if interested in exact details of the differences). also changed the resulting oscillator to a restricted range -100/+100 - no longer need to use the StdDev upper/lower lines..

the code is commented - the full details of how the original SVAPO can be used for signal generation are on web site above.

I also added the option to view the resulting plot in a Stepped mode or with an Inverse Fisher Transform - we still get almost no lag as we don't use unnecessary smoothing here. you can see how the signal (in this case crossing the zero line) is in line with the K_TraderRibbon on top, sometimes ahead of it.

suggestions for use:
use K_SVAPO along with a long-term trend indicator. if you set K_SVAPO correctly, it will provide unambigious signals on ideal entry points when the price retraces before continuing the trend.
you can also use 2 K_SVAPO, one longer and one shorter to provide a similar combo. in that case, i suggest you change one of them to the "Stepper" for easier viewing

as usual, appreciate if you keep in the forum. all feedback & comments welcome, as i'm still testing this anyways,


Category The Elite Circle 
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Details: K_SVAPO_v1 for ToS
Category: The Elite Circle 

March 11th, 2013
Size: 2.04 KB
Downloaded: 658 times

Keywords: k_svapo oscillator price redk svapo tos volume
This is a port of the Ninja indicator (and other places).

There is an option to easily toggle paint bars in the options screen of the study (as well as change the period).

Note that in TOS, there appears to be a bug with the trend candle setting, where it does not fully honor paint bars. I recommend using the vanilla candles if you want to use paint bars.

Category ThinkOrSwim 
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Details: TOS_ADXVMA v1
Category: ThinkOrSwim 

November 19th, 2012
Size: 1.89 KB
Downloaded: 343 times

Keywords: adxvma tos
TOS_OBV v1 5 *
This is a copy of Mike's OBV indicator that was being used in the price action thread (elite).

Credit goes to Mike for the logic, I just copied it into thinkscript.

Category ThinkOrSwim 
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Details: TOS_OBV v1
Category: ThinkOrSwim 

November 18th, 2012
Size: 414 bytes
Downloaded: 656 times

Keywords: obv tos
New: K_Trender_TopChart_v2a for ToS 5 *
Updated with V2a, corrected only the channel type names (for technical correctness).. Donchian Channel is the Highest/Lowest for a period, which produces a boxy-looking channel.. that's my favourite (google Donchain system). i don't know a technical term for the channel when you take an EMA of highest/lowest which produces a curvy-type channel, so i refer to it as DonchianEMA. the rest is the same .. no calculation changes...

Here's a "Swiss Army Knife" study for fellow ToS'ers .. big thank you to my good forum friend, HGuru, for helping me complete this ...

this is a many-in-1 study, that provides a choice of price channel of many that are commonly used (Keltner, Highest/Lowest, Elder, Keltner, Bollinger..etc), and provide 2 types of signals, based on momentum of 2 EMA lengths of price (Length & Fast_Length):

1 - the primary Momentum signal is based on the main length you set in the study, and is reflected in the color of the price channel itself (green = Up = go Long, red = Down = go short, yellow = retrace or "in-transition")
(pls remember this is momentum and not trend .. though the study has the word "Trender" in the name)

2 - the secondary signal is based on momentum of the fast length EMA. and is only Up or Down. (i would usually take Up position in a green channel or down position in Red channels, so maintain direction with the primary momentum)

there are many other settings we built-into the study to play with and customize for improved visualization. better visual = better decision.. you see in the screenclip how many "personalities" we can get with different options. from settings you can do anything from hiding all elements and leaving only the secondary signals, to fully using it as your trading system, if your system is built around ATR or BB, with the added benefit of the momentum signal. you can combine with other studies you have (i'd suggest a trend following study) for a compact system that won't require lower plots (beside volume if you need it).
the calculation/CPU load this study requires isn't that much, even though it looks packed.

Settings to change length, Fast, Channel Type, the factor for the channel (for BB this would be the StDev, for Keltner the ATR factor, for Shifted EMA's the percentage...etc) - Hide the channel shading, hide/show the lines (the EMA's, the mid-channel, channel bands..etc)

there's an aggressiveness factor built in that we can set - basically this is like saying, "if the Fast Trend is decreasing and becomes less than 10%, this is as good as a negative momentum, and i want to trigger a signal to go short". Leave at 0 until you test this in your own setup and get comfortable with it.

the code is commented, and i'd ask to please keep this study only within BMT as it took a lot of work.

feedback appreciated, happy trading.

Category The Elite Circle 
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Details: New: K_Trender_TopChart_v2a for ToS
Category: The Elite Circle 

September 23rd, 2012
Size: 9.46 KB
Downloaded: 550 times

Keywords: momentum topchart trend redk tos trender
K_TraderRibbon_v1 for ToS 5 *
Update: see journal link below for more details on using K_Tarder_Ribbon in multi timeframe.

This study was inspired by the 9/30 method setup... hope others will find it useful. it's amazing how few lines of code can produce something as effective and nice looking (they don't have to be ugly, you know... )

  • The K_Trader_Ribbon is a trend following setup based on 2 crossing-MA's concept.
  • we use WMA and an EMA of shorter length of that WMA.
  • the "ribbons" shade the area between the EMA, the WMA, and the midline of the Hi/lo Channel of the WMA.
  • the price/WMA will be on either sides of that channel depending on up/down trend ..
  • visualizing it this way hides a lot of unnecessary noise..
  • we can also better visualize the "buy" area (light shading) and the "exit loss" areas (inside the darker shades or if price penetrates the TrendLine)
  • added a buy/sell signal (up/down arrow) based on the crossing of the WMA with it's EMA (it provides the earliest signal) beside the color clue (red/Green) for an established trend up or down.

couple of nice visual enhancements to expereiment with(hi-contrast clouds and hide/show all lines) - see screenshots

try different length settings.. i liked 4/3 and 6/3 on a 5min chart..

Adjust length settings based on underlying & time aggregation until you see the price bars penetrating the ribbon to the other side of current trend *just before reversal*, and staying within the ribbon during retraces.. this will be the best settings in most cases..

feedback welcome.. pls keep within BMT.

Thank you,

Category The Elite Circle 
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Details: K_TraderRibbon_v1 for ToS
Category: The Elite Circle 

September 11th, 2012
Size: 2.14 KB
Downloaded: 944 times

Keywords: ma redk ribbon thinkorswim tos trend wma
Update(2): KR_Trender_v5 5 *
updated .ts file to reflect correct version # and add a quick change log.. no code changes. thanks to Hguru for the feedback...
Another update from previously posted KR_Trender_v4 for ToS. Inspired by some research around the 9/30 method, i needed something to show me the fast price move on the short-term compared to the prevailing longer-term trend to better identify entry points. initially i used Slow/Fast Stoch & Stoch Momentum but wasn't convinced. I went ahead and added a Fast_Momentum to KR_Trender.

for me, this is a 3 in 1. The concpet behind the calc of Fast_Mom and Trender lines is close to MACD (but more elaborate as we look at 3 EMA's not 2 - and Trender is bounded -100 to 100, where MACD isn't). then we have a representation of fast momentum (save the space of my SMI), and we have the "full trend flag" indicator when the price AND all the 3 EMA's align in a full trend formation.

on the top screen, i show the actual 3xEMA setup i used to originally develop the concept of KR_Trender, the shading is based on a BB, but has nothing to do with Trender, but it changes color based on the Trend state (Full up, Full Down, or in-Transition).

- Fast_Mom is calculated as score of the fast EMA vs it's own Hi/Low Channel. this is the same concept used by Stoch & Stoch Momentum, but then it's scaled to same scale as the main trend line - enabling mathematically comparing the 2 as rate of change of price taken from 2 diferent views.
- a crossing between Fast_Mom and Trender means the rate of price change on the short term has started to exceed, slow, or change direction from the longer-term rate of change. A crossing of zero means the shorter-term trend is reversing. if that's strong enough of a move, the longer trend will follow.
- once you get to use it, you will see the 2 lines sort of pull each other. retraces and pullbacks that provide good position entry points are much clearer as identified by the Fast_Mom line (that was my main issue)
- i kept PPS (Person's) indicator on top chart - Fast_Mom compares very well against PPS signals. many times beats it to indicate a change up or down. so that made me happy.

Other improvements:
- can show/hide Fast_Momentum plot
- can change length of Long_term Trend period. if equal to or below the main length, it will be ignored.
- Adjusted smoothing calc to only use EMA smoothing, as HMA causes an issue with chart labels in ToS
- Fast_Price_weight now 0 by default to allow focus on long-term trend and Fast_Momentum.
- Fast EMA is always taken as half of the main length

suggested Length/Long_Trend settings: 10/20 or 8/16 for intraday and 20/40 or 20/50 for longer term. Should not use Length lower than 4.

i used KR_Trender on a 5min chart as well as on daily/week . initial results are positive and tested well in live trading.

feel free to use, comment and feedback, and please keep only within BMT.


Category The Elite Circle 
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Details: Update(2): KR_Trender_v5
Category: The Elite Circle 

August 31st, 2012
Size: 5.03 KB
Downloaded: 740 times

Keywords: kr_trender momentum redk thinkorswim tos trend


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